Modification of tile adhesive by Redispersible Polymer Powder(RDP) and modern thin layer process

In the construction industry, the transformation of construction technology is based on the innovation of building materials. In recent years, polymer-modified dry mortar has shown a booming development in China. One of the outstanding examples is the emergence of polymer-modified dry powder tile adhesives, which is transforming the tile inlay process from the traditional thick layer method to the thin layer method, and has led to the revision and improvement of the ceramic tile adhesive industry. This thin layer of polymer modified tile adhesive dry powder has been popularized in Europe and America and accounts for more than 40% of dispersible polymer powder. It can meet the requirements of high quality ceramic tile and its adhesive performance for modern construction industry.

Traditional cement and mortar can only partially or totally not meet the requirements of many aspects of modern construction industry. A simple conventional cement mortar is attached to a porous substrate by physical and mechanical embedding. The traditional method of laying ceramic tile is to press a tile with enough cement mortar onto the substrate to fix it; the cement mortar fills the gap between the tile and the substrate, and then compacts. The fine cement particles penetrate into the porous substrate while penetrating the porous back surface of the tile. As the cement slurry hardens, the bonding of the tile to the substrate is complete.

Nowadays, with the expansion of ceramic tile applications and the development of ceramic tile manufacturing technology, the quality of ceramic tiles has been greatly improved. For example, in order to meet the requirements of tile resistance, frost resistance, etc, the amount of very dense ceramic tiles is increasing, and the porous substrate and ceramic tile are not common. Therefore, the technical process of the traditional cement mortar paste ceramic tile has been questioned.